KBS Alumni network

Welcome to the alumni page of Kempten Business School! Here you will find all information for KBS alumni. Find out more about upcoming events, subscribe to our newsletter and read inspiring success stories from graduates. Stay in touch with us and benefit from the network of the alumni community.


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More offers for Alumni

Alumni Network of the Kempten University of Applied Sciences

As a graduate of Kempten Business School, you can also benefit from the advantages of the alumni network of Kempten University of Applied Sciences. You can find more information on the website of Kempten University of Applied Sciences:

Events at Kempten Business School

We regularly organise entertaining events where you can gain inspiration and expertise on current topics. Look forward to exciting online events, workshops and networking. You can find the current events on our events page:



Moodle server is offline for security reasons.

The Moodle server is currently offline for security reasons. It is expected to go back online in mid-September once the necessary updates have been installed. Students whose courses are starting will be informed by e-mail.


Festive honour for Prof. Dr. Katrin Winkler

Prof Dr Winkler, who has worked at Kempten University of Applied Sciences since 2009, has established herself as an expert in the fields of digital education, transformation and the advancement of women in science. She emphasises: “It is not enough to simply understand the rules of the male-dominated business world; …


Katrin Winkler awarded the Johanna Loewenherz Prize

Prof Dr Winkler, who has worked at Kempten University of Applied Sciences since 2009, has distinguished herself in particular through her innovative work in the field of digital education and transformation as well as her commitment to equality for women in the academic world. “You have to know the rules …


key success factors for leadership by peer m. schatz

It was with great pleasure to welcome Peer M. Schatz, entrepreneur, executive, investor and Managing Director of PS Capital as guest speaker to the KBS Women in Leadership event. Not only is Peer Schatz a strong advocate for diversity, he truly believes the business world needs more women in senior …