Quality Management

Systematic quality assurance instigated in December 2019

The quality assurance system that the Kempten Business School instigated in December 2019 meets the requirements for system accreditation .

The quality management system (QM system) is based on the cooperative and quality improvement-focused culture nurtured at the university, involving all the relevant stakeholders. The control and QM systems are bound to incorporate consideration and regular verification of compliance with the directives issued by the Conference of Minsters of Culture and the German Accreditation Council for Degree Programmes. The QM system also meets the requirements of the “Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG)”.

Systemakkreditiert durch FIBAA
Our quality assurance system Academic quality

Our QM system consists of numerous interlinked components to ensure that we persistently meet our QM objectives and targets.

The standardised processes incorporate a wide range of measurements (performance indicators, surveys). Various members of the Professional School (directors of studies, lecturers, students and staff) and the university (its lawyer, the Vice President for Professional Development, the Chief Quality Management Officer) regularly liaise in committees on a range of issues (didactics, examinations, organisation of studies, etc.).

Members of the public are also consulted, for instance in the form of alumni surveys and at regular meetings of the Professional School’s advisory board, with members drawn from business and industry around the Allgäu.